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The Furrys’ Part 1

We were on our way up north for a family trip to see my wifes father. We had been on the road for 10 hours and got to the hotel right when we were all at the breaking point of having been in a car with one another way too long.

I parked the car and told my wife to get the kids situated while I checked in. As I walked through the revolving door, I noticed two people approaching me. Something was off… I couldn’t put my finger on it at first but as they got closer I realized one was dressed like a German Shepard and the other like a moo-cow. (I knew it was a moo-cow and not an ordinary cow because of the droopy ears). I walked passed them in disbelief, as if maybe all that time on the road had made me delirious. I got to the front desk and there to my left was another person dressed like a unicorn. I said to the check-in lady, checking in for Jesse Jones. She started the process, and I tried to nonchalantly ask her… “whats all this then” motioning with my hands the entire lobby of grown-ups in costume. She said to me with what I noticed were dead eyes “There is a furry convention at the hotel this weekend” thats when I saw two signs over her head, one that said Furry-con 2018 and another that said Greene/Davis Wedding. I immediately felt bad for the bride to be.There is no competing for attention when it comes to a grown man dressed like Quickdraw McGraw. I asked her if it would be safe for me to have kids at the hotel and that the only thing I knew about furry’s was that one episode of CSI where they all get drunk and bang each other. Thats when the head furry stepped into my field of vision and got all up in my face. He said… “I’ll have you know sir that that episode of CSI has led to the persecution of furry’s for the last 10 years. We can all agree that “persecute” is too strong a word for whatever furries have been through but I let that slide and simply put my finger in his face and went “da-da-da” then back to the lady at the front desk “is it safe for my kids to be here while grown-ups are dressed like unicorns” he interjects again “I’ll have you know sir, I am not a unicorn, I am a piñata!” I raised my eyebrow back to the front desk lady and was glad my son hadn’t just heard that. He loves piñata’s, and the last thing I needed was for him to hit one with a stick and get in trouble for committing a hate crime. She assured me with her dead eyes that they were harmless. I got the room key and went back to the car. I let my wife know what we were dealing with and told her I was more than happy to get back in the car and go looking for another hotel if she wanted to. She told me she was exhausted, and that we could sleep there tonight and if it was too much for us, we could switch hotels in the morning. So we got the kids and our luggage and made a B-line for the elevator, hoping to avoid as many questions as possible from our now wide-awake children. We make it all the way to the elevator when the door opens and who is standing there? Another German Shepard, on this time he was wearing lederhosen. My son with the quickness of a road comic and the innocence of a child looked up and said with wide eyes “WHAT IS THAT!?” My wife in full mon mode reacted just as quick. She immediately says “he’s a mascot…!” To which my son replies “Well which team does he play for?” The whole lobby busts out laughing and the Yodeling German Shepard lowers his head and shame walks his way out of the elevator.

With the crew at Camp Tiny Paws 2018.

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